JPAG - PAST MEETINGSThursday 30th June 2022
Stability VI
Royal Society of Chemistry, London
Continuing our successful series of stability meetings, this event is essential for anyone with an interest in the management and assessment of drug stability.
Hear about the regulations and the basics of setting up stability studies
Learn from industry experts about the challenges and practical issues they face in stability work
Hear about case studies and join in with the workshop based hypothetical examples
Examine the basics of stability testing and learn about method development - are your methods stability indicating?
Miles Ambler - GlaxoSmithKline
Dr Touraj Ehtezazi - Liverpool John Moores University
Dr Lisa Hinchliffe - Regulatory CMC Consultant
John McDermott - Quotient Sciences
Oona McPolin - Mourne Training Services
Laima Ozolina - Biopharma Stability Testing Laboratory
Dr Alan Wilkinson - Biopharma Stability Testing Laboratory
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PAST MEETINGSSymposium - October 2011Delegates at a symposium held at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society