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A 'not-for-profit' organisation, run for pharmaceutical analysts by pharmaceutical analysts

Tuesday 21st November 2023
JPAG Pharmaceutical Analysis Research Awards and Careers Symposium 2023
Royal Society of Chemistry, London
Based on the great success of past years, JPAG presents this year's Pharmaceutical Analysis Research Awards and Careers symposium for all early career analytical scientists including postgraduate in academia and industry.

This is an opportunity for you to hear the latest research being carried out by your peers who will be selected to showcase their work through oral and poster presentations and ask them questions about their work. Awards for the oral presenters include the prestigious 1st prize of the Geoffrey Phillips Analytical Science Award and prizes will also be awarded for the best posters. We highly encourage all early career scientists to submit an abstract for poster or oral presentation to this exciting annual JPAG event.

Two keynote speakers will provide inspirational and enlightening talks for delegates - their details will follow shortly. The Careers Fair will also feature and all delegates will have the opportunity to book one-to-one sessions with several major pharmaceutical companies who are bringing their careers advisors to discuss opportunities with you. This could be the event to provide a step-change to your professional career. Perhaps your future employer will be here. Come along and network with peers, experienced academics, industrial scientists, high profile keynote presenters, and leading companies who are providing careers advice.

This is an event you will not want to miss.

Keynote Speaker - Dr Diane Turner

Dr Diane Turner FRSC is the Founder, Director and Senior Consultant of Anthias Consulting Ltd. A Warwick University Graduate, Diane completed her Masters in analytical chemistry and started her career in environmental then agrochemical science, later gaining significant experience as an Applications Chemist. Diane has developed methods for, given support and high-quality training for companies in most industries around the world for more than 20 years. Diane is a Visiting Fellow and Consultant at The Open University where she continues her disease diagnosis research from her PhD along with food, drug and space applications. Diane is the Immediate Past-President of the Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Sciences Community and Immediate Past-Chair of the Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund. She is a Trustee of the Recycling Organisation for Research Opportunities (RORO); on the Building Effective Analytical Measurement (BEAM) panel and the Industry Advisory Board of the Community for Analytical Measurement Science (CAMS) and is a member of the Government Chemist Programme Expert Group (GC-PEG). Diane is co-author of the book 'Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry: How Do I Get the Best Results?' published by the Royal Society of Chemistry and is on the Editorial Board of the new RSC book series ‘Practical and Technical Guides for Lab-based Chemists'.

Keynote Speaker - Prof John Langley

Professor John Langley is an internationally recognised leader in chromatography - mass spectrometry (MS) with >35 years’ experience, and has led and managed the MS/chromatography-MS facility at Southampton Chemistry since 1988. During this time over 1000 users have been trained in the use of modern MS and chromatography-MS and he has successfully supervised 25 PhD students, with four more approaching completion of their studies. All of his PhD studentships have been jointly funded by industry, spanning the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, petrochemical and polymer chemistry sectors.
John has >120 publications, h-index 35, total citations ~3300 and has delivered innovative approaches to MS and chromatography-MS, e.g. the first academic open access MS instrumentation in 1995, open access LC-MS, GC-MS and then SFC-MS in 2014. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Chartered Chemist, Chartered Scientist, Member of RSC Analytical Division Council (2014-20), Chair of the RSC Separation Science Group (2009-) and President of the International Mass Spectrometry Foundation (2018-22). He is the only person to have been Chair of the BMSS and the RSC Separation Science Group, and was awarded the BMSS lectureship in 2016-17, giving 18 lectures across the UK targeted at PhD students, covering over 4500 miles (mainly by train!). In 2021 John was presented with the British Mass Spectrometry Society medal. John’s research ability is to apply his skills in analytical science to a broad range of challenging problems and systems. He is enthusiastic about collaborative working and applying new technologies, and applying his research approaches to a range of applications including new environmental projects, whilst others aligns to the petrochemical industry, agrochemicals and pharmaceutical (including therapeutic oligonucleotides).
He is director of the SW Regional GCxGC-HRMS facility, and the equivalent SW Regional LCxLC-IMS-HRMS facility commissioned in January 2023.

RSC Career and Professional Development Adviser - Laura Woodward

Laura Woodward has worked for the Royal Society Of Chemistry for 17 years with a background in HR and Recruitment, across a variety of sectors. Laura has worked as a Career and Professional Development Adviser for over 12 years and provides guidance to members at all stages of their careers, from undergraduates right through to retirement. This might involve helping them explore and reflect next steps, as well as providing practical advice on creating CV’s, searching for jobs and preparing for interviews. Laura is a Psychology graduate and continues to take a keen interest in this area.

Laura will give a talk on "Job Hunting in the Pharmaceutical Industry" and will be available at the Careers Fair for 1:1 CV Surgery consultations.

Prof John Langley - University of Southampton
Dr Diane Turner - Royal Society of Chemistry
Laura Woodward - Royal Society of Chemistry



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Symposium - October 2011

Delegates at a symposium held at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society

Joint Pharmaceutical Analysis Group 2025
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