JPAG - PAST MEETINGSThursday 4th February 2016
Solving problems with spectral imaging
Royal Society of Chemistry, London
This symposium is held jointly with the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences (APS)
Hyperspectral spectral imaging brings great advantages to pharmaceutical analysis by combining the best in spectroscopy and imaging. It solves many problems in analysing solid dosage forms: particle size, shape and distribution; moisture content and location, identification and quantification of individual constituents including polymorphic forms; content uniformity; and assessment of homogeneity.
The data may be used in formulation development, understanding and monitoring manufacturing processes, ensuring continuous product quality, quality control and identifying counterfeit medicines. Imaging can involve many spectroscopies: near-infrared, Raman, X-ray and Terahertz as well as optical methods and mass spectroscopy. This symposium brings leading experts to give solutions to the big issues, top tips, best practice and current developments.
This major symposium will provide essential information for all those involved in:
• Formulating medicinal products
• Developing manufacturing processes
• Problem solving and root cause analysis
• Quality control
• Identifying counterfeit medicines
There will be an opportunity to present posters on the broad subject area of the symposium, subject to acceptance of a submitted abstract (deadline Friday 22nd January). As part of the programme, there will also be an exhibition.
Members of APS can register for this symposium at the member's rate
Registration at 9.30 a.m. Symposium starts at 10.00 a.m.
Johannes Khinast - Graz University of Technology
Stephanie Brookes - AstraZeneca
Gerard Byrne - Merck
Sergei Kazarian - Imperial College London
Martin Kuentz - Basel University
Daniel Markl - Graz University of Technology
Christina Pattoni - Pfizer
Dr Sheng Qi - University of East Anglia
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PAST MEETINGSSymposium - October 2011

Delegates at a symposium held at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society