JPAG - PAST MEETINGSThursday 2nd July 2020Assuring the quality of radio-labelled products from clinical trials to commercialisationVIRTUAL EVENT : 1pm-4pm (UK BST)The use of radiolabelled materials in clinical trial, therapeutic and diagnostic applications presents many specialised challenges to assure their fitness for intended purpose. This symposium will examine the uses of radiolabelled materials, key regulatory requirements and best practices to assure their quality in clinical trials or commercialisation.
This virtual symposium will be of interest to scientists and managers new to this field, or quality and regulatory professionals in the consultancy, industry or health service sectors looking to update their knowledge in the development, manufacturing, licensing and uses of radiolabelled products.
We gratefully acknowledge the sponsorship of Eurofins Selcia for this event.
Low price £50
Dr Marie Croft - Pharmaron
Dr Philippe Dasse - Advanced Accelerator Applications
Dr Simona de Robertis - MHRA
Dr Neil Geach - Selcia
Victoria Gibson - Guys and St Thomas Hospital
Ian Harwood - MHRA
Justin Holland - Quotient Sciences
Jordi Vall-Llossera - Advanced Accelerator Applications
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PAST MEETINGSSymposium - October 2011Delegates at a symposium held at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society